Sociology Undergraduate Student Scholarship at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


The Sociology Department initiated a new scholarship for undergraduate students this past Fall, and will take applications for Spring 21 scholarships. We encourage those with financial need to apply. The deadline to apply is February 7 at 11:59pm. Details below.

The Sociology Undergraduate Student Scholarship aims to support undergraduate students with financial need, whose primary major is Sociology. The funds are for education expenses such as tuition, books, a computer, and internet access. The amount of the scholarship varies from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the need specified and the number of awardees that semester. Applicants and previous Sociology Undergraduate Scholarship recipients can apply each per semester.

An online application must be completed, which will be reviewed by the Department of Sociology Awards Committee. The application can be found here: Again, applications are due February 7th, 2021 at 11:59PM. 

If you have any questions or difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact Rebecca Riley at