
Lodging Receipts: Lodging receipts must contain detailed information from your stay. Charges should be listed by day, and the room rate and applicable taxes should be listed separately for each day.

Allowable Charges: Charges that can be paid for from university funds are the Room Rate, Applicable Taxes, Internet Service and Hotel Parking. DO NOT charge personal items or food to your room unless you have arranged with the hotel to have them charged to your personal credit card.

Conference Lodging: Whether requesting the department prepay your conference lodging on the department Travel Card, or paying your own lodging costs and requesting reimbursement, please provide conference lodging information with your receipt. This can be in the form of hotel/lodging information printed from the conference website, or a conference brochure that details lodging information. Once a conference is over, it can become very difficult, and time consuming, to find the documentation University Payables requires.